Thursday, June 11, 2009


after reading faris's blog. i thought of posting one about our trip to genting too. hehe. sumpah lama x have fun mcm tu. =D

tunggu si vip eyh? heheh. our breakfast meeting at rafi. supposingly jumpa kul 8 la KONON. hehe

sesi membasuh kreta kenari. it was a very hot day!

thank god faris bought me that super cutie pinky fan? whuttha? haha. thank u faris.

in faris's car. faris was out buying those minyak kreta dlm botol yg rm 5 satu. .. hehe

elle sama err? rindunya rambut!

setibanya di genting..



yeh yeh and bum bum

the kapel

the girls

x knal..haha 


tu lah..saper suro jd kecik. kan mudah kena rogol tu


haha tension x dpt teddy bear. lek lek..

apa kes?

i had so much fun with them. sumpah xkan lupa sampai bila2.

syg korang gila2 =)


Sera said...

a blog post nicely written babe.. n yeah, i wont forget the memories too!!! we had a blast.. :D